Cutting out felt patterns
Hi and welcome,
I am slowly adding a few tips and tutorials that go with the kits sold on the website.
Cutting out your felt patterns…………………..
Check all pattern pieces on the felt before cutting.
I prefer to not pin the paper pattern pieces to the felt I use the sticky tape method.
Pins makes the paper buckle and gives you an incorrect cut.
Carefully cut out paper patterns, take time to cut neatly on the black line.
- Sticky tape the patterns to the felt along the edge to be cut. Cut out neatly along the outside of the paper pattern line. Taping the patterns to the felt may seem strange at first, alas I am sure you will be happy with the result.
- When cutting out felt pieces only cut one layer at a time, never pin two layers together and cut. Take time cutting out the felt pattern pieces carefully makes for easier sewing together and the best finished result.
If you would like to join my facebook group where I share a few of my stitching methods.
Purely Felt Craft - Blanket Stitching Tutorial
Click on the link
Happy creating, love Sandie xx